Here’s our FAQ’s!
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How can I get to Canna? Take the Small Isles ferry to Canna from Mallaig -www.calmac.co.uk
What days are the ferry?: in the summer every day apart from Tues or Thurs. In winter ferries are on Tuesday. Thursday and Sunday. All ferry journeys must be booked.
What if there are changes to the ferries?: make sure that you download the Calmac app so you get update on any changes to ferry times. We will also try and keep you updated on any changes.
Public Transport to Mallaig: TRAINS; www.scotrail.co.uk BUSES: www.shielbuses.co.uk/
Can I take my car to Canna: No - only residents and contractors can bring vehicles to Canna.
Is there car parking in Mallaig?: Yes there is long stay parking in the East Bay area. Go right at the roundabout as you enter Mallaig. Book a months permit for £11 Ringo https://myringgo.co.uk/parkinglocator
Travel on Canna: Canna is a small island so everywhere is reachable by foot. Bring your bike to give you a wider reach and save your legs!
What if the ferry is cancelled? we recommend that you get travel insurance - even for short holidays. We usually look at this on a case by case basis - depending on the circumstances.
Meals on Canna?: Cafe Canna is open April to September.www.cafecanna.co.uk Book online as it gets very busy. Local produce / local shellfish/ make their own beer
Meals when Cafe Canna is closed: Tighard Guest House can provide meals to non-residents. Contact Aileen at: https://www.tighard-isleofcanna.com/
Canna Community Shop: is fully stocked at the start of April and open 24 hours on an honesty basis. Just write down your shopping and pay by cash or card. The shop has a good wide range of groceries, dry goods, whole foods, frozen meat and bread, dairy, and ice creams, soft drinks, sweets and crisps. ( no alcohol or tobacco) Email cannatradingltd@gmail.com if you would like to check on any stock. All profits go to support community projects on Canna.
Online Shopping: you can arrange for online shopping to be delivered to Canna Campsite. An example is - if you are bringing your dogs then, instead of carrying bulky dog food - get it delivered.
Mallaig Co-op: You can also order food supplies from the Coop Shop in Mallaig. This is done by phoning to arrange the order to 01687 46 2240, then emailing in the order and phoning to pay for the order on the morning of your delivery. We can help you with access to a phone etc
Can I bring my dog? Yes dogs are welcome at the campsite and we can supply you with dog towels and food/water bowls. Please let us know when you are booking if you are bringing a dog.
How far is the campsite from the ferry?: about 1 mile.
Do I have to carry my luggage to accommodation?: NO -we meet at the ferry and take your luggage so you can enjoy the walk.
Do I have to carry my luggage to the Bunkhouse?: We collect your luggage at the ferry and take it to the campsite. There is no road to the bunkhouse so all luggage must be carried from the campsite to the bunkhouse.
Can I hire luggage transport to the Bunkhouse? You can book a quad bike luggage transfer with Canna Farm. This costs £25 and covers a trip to and from the ferry.
What is at the campsite?: toilets and showers, drinking water, a cookshack for preparing and cooking - with a gas cooking ring, picnic tables, fire pits.
Is there electricity at the campsite?: no there is no electricity at the campsite. To charge any items use the Shearing Shed (our community space) or the Canna Community Shop. There is electric in Kate’s Cottage Bunkhouse, the West and Sanday caravans & Sanday Croft Cabin.
Fridge and Freezer?: at the campsite to keep your food chilled you can store it in the stream or we can give you a cool box with ice blocks. There is a freezer at the farm that you can store food in too. All other accommodation have their own fridges.
What do I need to bring for my holiday?: we recommend that you bring a torch, waterproof clothing and walking boots. Many other items depend on the time of year you come and what you like to do. On Canna you can go swimming, snorkelling, walking, trail running and many other activities.
Laundry: there are now laundry services available at the Visitor Hub near the ferry terminal. This is also run on an honesty basis - pay your donation in cash or card.
How many people live on Canna?: in 2024 there are 17 adults and 1 child living permanently on Canna. There is no school open at the moment until we need it.
Water: All piped water goes through a UV water filtration system and is safe to drink.
Rubbish: rubbish and recycling facilities are provided at all accommodation. We ask that you use these properly as shown in guidance provided. There are main recycling bins at the ferry terminal for glass, mixed recycling and non-recyclable rubbish. There is also a skip on the ferry terminal for marine plastic.
Electricity: all the electricity on the island is from renewable energy. CREEL is the community owned company that runs the electricity. You can see our solar panels and wind turbines across the island.
Money- cards or cash?: Canna Community Shop and Cafe Canna take card and cash payments. The Canna Kitchen honesty stall is on a cash only basis. Fresh Shellfish is available for cash only. So bring cash and cards.
Mobile Phone coverage: depending on what network you use - there may be a signal on Canna. We use EE which gives the best coverage. Coverage is steadily increasing on the island which can be very useful for us in our day-to-day lives working across the island.
Roads: or roads are rough tracks and can have potholes depending on the time of year and traffic. These roads are repaired regularly by Murdo who uses the digger to scrape and fill the potholes.
Can we walk anywhere?: yes you can walk anywhere on the island. We ask that you are careful to shut any gates that you open. Check each gate once you have closed it.
Where are the good walks?: There are Canna leaflets showing the walks available at our Visitor Hub and you can also go to https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/islands/isle-of-canna.shtml
Walking near farm animals: be careful at lambing time - stay out of the fields where there are lambs. This avoids disturbing sheep and lambs. Be careful if you have a dog and are near cows with calves - walk as far away as possible to avoid causing any alarm to cows who are extremely protective.
Is there an NTS Ranger?: Yes there is a full time NTS Ranger who does guided walks and trips. https://www.nts.org.uk/visit/places/canna/highlights/ranger-service
Is Canna House open?: open for visitors from April 2025. https://www.nts.org.uk/visit/places/canna/highlights/canna-house
Island Events Calendar: Follow the Isle of Canna on Facebook and our events page on the Isle of Canna website for updates on events on Canna
Guidebooks and Maps for Canna:
OS Landranger Map 39 https://shop.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/map-of-ra-m-eigg-muck-canna/
Small Isles Walks Guides:
Visitor Information Websites: www.theisleofcanna.com and www.visitsmallisles.com
Watch Me See: Visit Canna with Kathi from Watch Me See: https://watchmesee.com/blog/isle-of-canna-guide/
Bradt Guide to Inner Hebrides: https://www.abebooks.co.uk/9781784776442/Hebrides-Skye-Gigha-Including-Mull-1784776440/plp​​